Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Queen Bee update...I guess.

I got some time to do something on Sunday afternoon. I broke the bike down to the frame from the roller state that it was in for the last 6 months or so. I put the engine in and got to see my new cylinders and heads on for the first time. I'm thinking of using a distributor instead of the Magneto. The front head is an early sporty cast (57-) where as the rear looks as if it is from the later early 70 cast (71-). They are better than the 57- heads that came with the bike. The old cylinders were .060 over bore and these new ones are .030, so I have more to work with. It will get there.

Late sixties survivor

This sweet little bike is being parted out on Ebay as I write this. What a shame. Chrome frame and all.