Saturday, January 17, 2009

Art Saturday

I'm gonna start putting up some art that I have lifted of the net or gather from various places on Saturdays. I was up at 5 am this morning without the alarm or my son waking me up. It's the time I get up through the week so I guess my body decided Saturday was going to work as well. Anywho back to Art. Here is some neato stuff from the past few years. I will try to give credit cause that is what it's all about but if I don't please let me know and I will take care of it...enjoy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hard at work

Just when you think your job is tough, think of these warriors.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stainless Steel elevator Lobby

This is a job I'm doing for the University of Texas here in Austin. It is the first floor elevator lobby at the new administration building. 16 GA. #4 wall panels, headers, jambs, transoms and 11 Ga. baseboard. The panels have a "Nickle Seam" (.080) with 20 GA. behind the open seam. It has been a little trying due to sub-par carpentry but it is looking good so far. I will post final pics when I get the corner guard and last two sections of base done.

Drag Trump...Righteousness!

Does it get any better than this? I think I got this from COC.